Erkam Publishing

Such a Mercy He Was

₦ 2,500.00 VAT included.

Such a mercy he was that his compassion and beneficence surrounded all humanity, even all creation. Such a mercy he was that he was granted to all souls and minds as a fountain of life, love and wisdom, knowledge, and learning adorned with endless blessing. Such a mercy he was that the Quran, a guide to the true path, was endowed through him. Such a mercy he was that he became unique among messengers in that he was the dearest to Allah and was granted with the spiritual night journey to heavens. Such a mercy he was that without him, all worlds would turn to a desolate desert. Such a mercy he was that the origin of creation emerged with his glorious being. All previous messengers came to know his glorious and blessed being. Such a mercy he was that all beauties bear reflections from him. No flower blossoms without having a piece from his light. None would exist without him.

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