Erkam Publishing

The Prophet of Mercy Muhammad

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The author, Osman Nuri Topbas, currently lives in Istanbul. He has received both a traditional and a modern education. He has written many books on different aspects of Islam as a religion and as a civilization. One recurring theme in his writings bears on the importance of mercy, love, and care in our social relations as the very fabric of an authentic Islamic way of life. This book, written in a climate of love for the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), reflects this mercy, while discussing the most distinguished characteristics of the Prophet s way of life and his morality. It intends to guide people to kindness and a refinement of the heart, thus aiming to help them gain happiness in this world and the Hereafter. The information presented in this book has been collected from the most reliable and earliest possible scholarly sources, which are thoroughly cited in footnotes. The sayings of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) have been chosen only from authentic collections of hadiths. For those who desire to obtain further information, the Arabic sources have been provided.

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